
As businesses in Trinidad and Tobago, the Caribbean and the world grow and evolve, they grapple with ever-increasing complexities in the information technology arena. Today’s businesses face an unprecedented challenge in protecting their data from perils such as simple hardware failure, accidental deletion, to complex ransomware attacks which is increasingly one of the most menacing threats to security and privacy. To address this concern, PC Expertz Limited offers a two-pronged solution:

Monitored Cloud Data Backup Solutions: The Arcanum Cloud Backup Solution is a tried and tested, robust data backup solution

Real Time Cybersecurity Protection: The Deep Instinct Cybersecurity Solution offers real-time threat prevention.

This dual approach ensures not only data protection but also peace of mind and have been implemented in many industries from small accounting firms with critical financial information, to construction companies with large scale storage needs or Dental practices with 3d imaging storage requirements. Here’s how the two systems synergize to create a comprehensive security package.

Deep Instinct

Deep Instinct Cybersecurity Monitoring System

Real-Time Protection

Deep Instinct applies machine learning and deep learning algorithms to proactively identify and thwart ransomware and other malware in real-time. Instead of relying on signature-based detection methods that require previously identified threats, Deep Instinct can even detect zero-day vulnerabilities, ensuring a higher level of protection.

Behavioral Analysis
The system constantly monitors the behavior of files and processes to detect any abnormal patterns or activities. If a file or process behaves in a way that suggests a ransomware attack, the system isolates it before it can inflict any damage.

Compliance and Reporting
Deep Instinct’s dashboard provides detailed reports and analysis, which can be vital for compliance with various cybersecurity standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI-DSS.

Cloud Arcanum Backup System

Flexible Backup Options
As detailed earlier, Cloud Arcanum offers various backup options, including File Backup, Image Backup, and Forever Forward Incremental (FFI) Backup. These methods allow for customized backup strategies tailored to specific organizational needs.

Secure Storage
Data is encrypted during the backup process and remains encrypted in storage, adding another layer of security to protect against ransomware attacks.

Choose Your Storage Option: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, or Bring Your Own

One of the core features of the Arcanum Backup System is its storage adaptability, giving you the freedom to select where your data is housed. If you’re looking for durability and extensive services, Amazon S3 is a seamless fit, providing low-latency and high-throughput performance. Of course, Arcanum also integrates effortlessly with other leading platforms like Azure and Google Cloud. But if you have a specific storage solution already in place, Arcanum even allows for a ‘Bring Your Own Storage’ option, ensuring that you can align the system with your existing infrastructure without the burden of migration. This high level of adaptability ensures that you’re never tied down to a single provider and grants you the flexibility to scale as your business grows

Intelligent Retention and Reduced Costs
The FFI feature optimizes storage space, keeping costs low and making the backup process more efficient.

Effortless Scalability

As your business grows and evolves, so do your data storage needs. The Cloud Arcanum Backup System is designed with scalability in mind, ensuring that you can effortlessly and automatically expand your storage capabilities without compromising on security or performance.

Synergy: Enhanced Ransomware Protection

The integration of Deep Instinct and Cloud Arcanum Backup systems offers a fortified security solution:

  • Prevention: Deep Instinct identifies ransomware before it can infect the system.
  • Isolation and Deletion: Infected files are quarantined and removed, minimizing the chance of them reaching the backup storage.
  • Backup and Recovery: In the unlikely event that data is compromised, Cloud Arcanum Backup allows for quick restoration of files or the entire system, depending on the backup type you’ve opted for.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: While Deep Instinct works to prevent ransomware attacks, Cloud Arcanum ensures that your data remains accessible and secure, even if your primary system is compromised.
  • Cost-Efficiency: The combination of Deep Instinct’s prevention capabilities and Cloud Arcanum’s FFI feature reduces the overall cost of managing both data security and backups.


The Deep Instinct Cybersecurity Monitoring System and Cloud Arcanum Backup System by PC Expertz Limited offer an unparalleled level of security and peace of mind. While Deep Instinct actively wards off ransomware attacks, Cloud Arcanum ensures that your data remains secure and easily recoverable, should the worst happen. Together, they provide a comprehensive, efficient, and cost-effective solution for data protection in an increasingly uncertain digital environment.